Program Manager, Community Schools
Dolgeville Central School
Email Sarah Williams-Herringshaw
Office: (315) 429-3155 ext. 1802 (Elementary) ext. 2162 (High School)
Cell (315) 985-0288
Connected Community Schools
Our Services
Mental Health Resources
Medical/Dental Insurance
Care Management
School Supplies
Dental Providers
Medical Providers
Family Peer Advocate Referral
Food Stamps/DSS Assistance
Mentoring Referral
Prenatal Services
Support groups for teens
Catholic Charities
United Way
Drug & Alcohol Services
OPWDD Services
Early Intervention
And... many more!

Sarah Williams-Herringshaw

Katie Rockwell
Divisional Director, Community Schools
Dolgeville Central School
Email Katie Rockwell
Office: (315) 429-3155 ext. 1803
Cell (315) 404-3333
Blue Devils One Stop Shop
School supplies including: Pencils, erasers, pens, rulers, dividers, binders, glue, markers, crayons, pencil pouches, highlighters, backpacks, journaling notebooks, regular notebooks, scissors, book covers, dry erase markers, two fastener folders, and protractors. Additionally, the shop gets new items almost monthly.
It also has jackets, hats, mittens, some used clothing items, dental care items, personal hygiene items, socks, used shoes, some undergarments, emergency food boxes, homeless packets including some basic necessities such as soap, shampoo, pens, a notepad, stress reliever, etc. It also has packages of hand wipes.